Biology of Trauma® Podcast
With Dr. Aimie Apigian MD, MS, MPH
Episode 63

How To Apply Energy Psychology To The 7 Stages of Addiction Recovery

How To Apply Energy Psychology To The 7 Stages of Addiction Recovery
"Whether it's a substance addiction or an addiction to a habit, an addiction to gambling or any sort of behavioral or substance addictions, they're thinking about quitting. That brings up a lot of feelings, and so one of the ways to go about it is to consider the benefits of the addiction and the costs of the addiction.

And those might be emotional, social, physical, intellectual lifestyle. There's pluses and minuses on both sides. And the fact that they still are addicted at this point, there's very often a cognitive error where they are minimizing the costs and perceiving the benefits as larger than they are."
~ Dr. David Feinstein

Show Notes: 

In this episode, we’re going to talk about how addiction can be a sign of dysregulation, and more often than not, stored trauma in the body can be at the core of it all. 


We are answering the question: 

How can we understand and address addiction as a symptom of trauma and dysregulation in the nervous system?”

Here’s what you will learn:

  • How energy psychology supports addiction recovery
  • What you can say to yourself while you’re doing a tapping exercise
  • Why you need to embrace the internal conflict in order to heal the addiction
  • How to handle big emotions that can come up during recovery
  • The 7 stages of addiction — and why they must be addressed in the correct order

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3 Responses

  1. I was in the throws of a month-long relapse – struggling with food and sugar addiction – when I found this podcast. It pulled me out of that shameful and hopeless space. While I have practiced tapping in the past, it was without an understanding of the stages of addiction recovery and how tapping can be used daily for self-care and neuroregulation. So much gratitude for this gift!

  2. This was an excellent explanation and interview with Dr. Feinstein. Thank you for sharing so freely and succinctly Dr. Feinstein. Keep up the great work Dr. Aimie.

  3. I am working with someone who is as she states ” fat and getting fatter”. This episode has been very helpful. I now know which direction to go with her. Thank you Dr. Amie and David Feinstein.

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You. Calm. Alive.

Be safely guided step-by-step through the essential process for addressing stored trauma in your body.


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