
Biology of Trauma® Podcast
With Dr. Aimie Apigian

Episode 31: Am I Tired, Or Is This Trauma? The Roots Of Fatigue

“..Fatigue and the freeze response are so closely connected, because they’re both representing a level of overwhelm for the body that shuts it down..”

Evan H. Hirsch, MD, (also known as the EnergyMD) is a world-renowned Energy expert, best-selling author and professional speaker. He is the creator of the EnergyMD Method, the science-backed and clinically proven 4 step process to resolve chronic fatigue and Long Covid naturally. Through his best-selling book, podcast, and international online programs, he has helped thousands of people around the world. He has been featured on TV, podcasts, and summits, and when he’s not at the office, you can find him singing musicals, dancing hip-hop, and playing basketball with his family.

Show Notes:

If you have ever found yourself asking why you feel so tired all the time, you might not be asking the right question. In order to get to the right question, I am sharing an interview I did with Dr. Evan Hirsch, a good friend and colleague physician of mine who has had a remarkable journey recovering from chronic fatigue. In this episode, we will look into the right question: Am I tired, or is it trauma? The Roots of Fatigue.


In This Episodes There Are Two Concepts That Are Discussed:

  1. The connection between trauma and fatigue and additional teaching I have added to this episode on how trauma is an energy problem, and
  2. The categories and root causes of fatigue.

There are two reasons I wanted to share this interview with you. First, fatigue is part of the trauma response.  A person who struggles with chronic fatigue is in a chronic functional freeze response. Second, Dr. Evan has organized categories of the causes of fatigue that are so helpful for someone trying to figure out for themselves or their patients or clients.This is why you can’t just go to therapy for trauma, but have to address the Biology of Trauma because it’s what keeps our bodies stuck.



  • [2:35] The connection between trauma and fatigue
  • [7:06] Trauma is an energy problem
  • [10:35] Biological aspects of fatigue (and the 10 root causes)
  • [19:14] Yolanda’s story of chronic fatigue
  • [24:33] Infections and other causes of fatigue


Interested to learn more about what I do? Click here.


Related Episode:

I have had another podcast episode that discusses the freeze response in-depth and I had Irene Lyon join me for that! Listen to Recognizing and Overcoming the Freeze Response with Irene Lyon!

EP Reference: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0m4dMvKi9ylEYiZMVqNAP3?si=f69d15d7ea734414

Helpful Links:

Trauma is an Energy Problem

21-Day Journey 

Essential Sequence

Biology of Trauma® Courses 

Certificate training program on the Biology of Trauma®

Products I recommend from this episode


Products I recommend from this episode

Starter Basic Bundle For Energy – If you want more energy and to overcome fatigue then taking this supplement will help you.

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Let’s have a constructive, positive and productive discussion!

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Foundational Journey

You. Calm. Alive.

Be safely guided step-by-step through the essential process for addressing stored trauma in your body.


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